Tuesday, August 24

Martial law 'Mantra' by politicians

Whatever one may call it, but whenever any politician -- worth anything -- invites military to run the country, it means that particular has never been a true democrat. This is also tangibly proven by MQM Chief Altaf Hussain's statement issued recently from a foreign land. He had actually invited the military-muscle to wrest the country out of the present predicament, and by throwing away the 'corrupt' politicians.
Believably, he is not a weaker link in the political scenario of Pakistan, and can be a force to reckon with provided he starts thinking politically, while not going beyond the democratic domain.
Certainly, such politicians across Pakistan including Central President Tehreek-e-Istaqlal Party Rehmat Khan Wardag, who have failed over a period in getting to the power corridors with full strength, need military support to be so.
Secondly, it also depicts that these politicians are also more interested in having an easy way out rather than expanding their political and working horizon across Pakistan and reaching out to the every corner of the country.
This time, God forbid if the Military takes over the country, resistance will be immediately met, and media will be standing shoulder-to-shoulder with the saner political elements.
The slogan should be – we can take care of the country and Pakistan can only become stronger and prosperous provided every institution and everyone works within its prescribed purview, and nothing beyond that.

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