Perhaps he must bury himself in the technology where not only his voice, rather the voices around him are falling on 'deafened' ears.
Today technology is not only blurring our visions, rather blunting our morals and sense of belonging to the social stratum where lies our soul.
The same is true of this gentleman who has turned the car in to a speaker house; hence virtually turning it in to more of a music outlet, and less of a car.
Is it an attempt to forget the world or 'requesting loudly' to the world to forget him?
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NO doubt...in this modern world of materialism technology has buried moral values. The voice of the conscience struggling to find its place as such gentlemen are busy in making their presence felt by dint of loud speakers. The calls of the conscience are losing their role on the stage of technology. Moral values have to come out of this marsh to take over so called modern world of technology. Education, sense of belonging, dispensation of social justice and pursuit of moral values rather than corporeal things can avert the hurricane of irresposiblity.
You are right, but this kind of attitude is stopping the other adverse thought take over everything. Succcinctly, sanity is there to block insanity.
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