Saturday, October 2

Going unannounced!

Change the attitude for a better society!

By Aamer Waqas Ghaus Chaudhary

Helping others, either through kind or an act, is always of immense satisfaction to me. I cannot exactly figure out when did it occur to me, but as far as I can recall, it made a sense to me even when I was a very young kid. Now when I look back, those seem to be really insignificant acts–from sharing my bottled water with the kids of our servants to giving my Eidi (Eid money) in alms. Such acts of any measure give me a great contentment; that is why I am still continuing and hope to do so in future as well.
When an act is not a compulsion, I enjoy more while doing it. Like recently we had had a funfair-cum-charity programme at our school, which was the effort of the students. No body forced us to do this rather we–a group of young aspirants–made it look so simple and easy that we did not bother any one, and our teachers and guests appreciated us for the activity, which might have been taxing physically and mentally for others. That is why we could concentrate on our real goal–raising funds for the disabled children school.
In order to attract attendance and make it more enjoyable, we had to bring in musical show and other such activities on the campus. Interestingly, it also helped us seeing innocence-sort-of-chaps performing incredible acts who have never been courageous enough to speak even in the class; what to say they making funny faces and singing in front of a huge gathering. I think it also turned out to be a talent-hunting spree as well. Now we need not to look towards other students for helping us in arranging programmes. One of the tangible achievements was that working like a real team. The circumstances made all of us develop an equation even with those who either happened to be out-casts or otherwise stood rejected because of their attitudes and doings. Now we are like a unit planning to do another such activity with the same idea of helping the poor and dispossessed.
One of the things I will like to change–especially in this context–is that of the attitude of our society. No doubt we have a huge chunk of donors, who are both known and veiled. They are definitely outnumbered by those stretching their hands. My concern is to make both these parties realise how important it is to go unannounced and do the charity tasks. This has added an extra-negative flavour to this noble cause. Now people love to become well-known philanthropists, and wish to be invited to talk shows where they have enough room to deliver sermons on any branch of knowledge. How ridiculous does it look when you could see a superfluous talk being uttered by a know-all (read illiterate) person, but dishing out money primarily not even earned by him? Secondly, the ‘beggars’ both sophisticated (charity organisations) and the real poor to mend their ways.

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